Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

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On this Thanksgiving Day, I wanted to specifically thank all the farmers who helped to provide the meal for myself and many millions of Americans on this day. Regardless of what specifically you are eating on this day, human hands were necessary to grow, produce and process your meal. Farmers come in many forms, small to large, animals to produce, organic to conventional, in all parts of the country. Thanks to all of you for what you do!

Along that line, I would also like to take a moment and thank Michelle Payn-Knoper (@mpaynknoper on twitter) for organizing agriculture folks on Tuesday nights for the #agchat and #foodchat conversations. She has provided a platform for people with varying agriculture backgrounds and interests to come together and converse and debate about agriculture topics. I urge all of you out there to vote for her as the Mashable twitter user of the year. She's up against several big name celebrities and needs our daily votes to help her win!

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